Related resources:
F.S. Zaitsev, V.A. Chizhov, V.L. Bychkov. Study of the physical mechanisms of low-temperature transformation of nuclides. Presentation at the scientific seminar in RUDN University 27.12.2018: slides (2.6 Mb), video (166 Mb), see also video on (in Russian)

Scientific research of anomalous phenomena: (in Russian)

Modern reproduction of some Nikola Tesla devices: Alex Org. (in Russian)

Ball lightning, Moscow Seminar: шаровая-молния.орг. (in Russian)

Cold transmutation of atomic nuclei and ball lightning: (in Russian)

LENR.SU laboratory, cold fusion: (in Russian)

Website of L.I. Urutskoev and D.V. Filippov on nuclear transformation of chemical elements: (in Russian)

V.L. Bychkov, A.I. Nikitin. Ball lightning in the works of Soviet and Russian researchers. Presentation at the scientific seminar in RUDN University 28.05.2020: video (138 Mb). (in Russian)

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