Slides and videos of the book reviews (all in Russian): Download free:
F.S. Zaitsev. Cyc­lo­tron ether re­so­nan­ce and its ap­pli­ca­tion. Pre­sen­ta­tion at the con­fe­re­nce «Ether­dy­na­mics as the ba­sis of break­through tech­no­log­ies». Mos­cow, 27.01.2024. Watch on the You­Tube chan­nel «Ose­ni­lo». Watch in the con­fe­re­nce broad­cast on the You­Tube chan­nel «Ose­ni­lo». Watch the discussion of the conference at the seminar «Physics of ball lightning», session № 184, Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University, 14.02.2024, You­Tube chan­nel «Ose­ni­lo». Abstract
Slides (0.6 Mb)
Presentation video (940 Mb)
Con­fe­rence dis­cus­sion
14.02.2024, video (142 Mb)
F.S. Zaitsev. Re­view of the Bych­kov – Zai­tsev eth­er the­ory and its ap­pli­ca­tions for sol­ving scienti­fic and prac­tical prob­lems. Pre­sen­ta­tion at the «Rus­sian Inter­di­sci­pli­nary Se­mi­nar on Tem­po­ro­lo­gy named af­ter A.P. Le­vich», ses­sion № 811, 24.10.2023. Watch on the web­site of the Ins­ti­tu­te for Re­se­arch on the Na­tu­re of Ti­me. Abstract
Slides (0.7 Mb)
Presentation video (403 Mb)
Moderator introduction (111 Mb)
Discussions video (1.26 Gb)
F.S. Zaitsev, V.L. Bychkov The un­sui­ta­bi­li­ty of quan­tum me­cha­nics for a full des­crip­tion of na­ture. Based on the ma­te­ri­als of the 3-rd edi­tion of the book by Bych­kov and Zai­tsev about the Ether, pub­lish­ed in June 2023. Pre­sen­ta­tion at the scien­ti­fic se­mi­nar «Phy­sics of Ball Light­ning», ses­sion № 177, Fa­cu­lty of Phy­sics, Mos­cow Sta­te Uni­ver­sity, 28.06.2023. Watch on the YouTube channel «Ose­ni­lo». Slides (0.7 Mb)
Talk video (500 Mb)
F.S. Zaitsev. Ethe­ric in­ter­pre­ta­tion of the or­bit ano­ma­lies of the first Von Braun sa­tel­lites. Pre­sen­ta­tion at the we­bi­nar № 17 of the win­ter-spring 2021 ses­sion of the Kli­mov-Za­te­le­pin scien­ti­fic se­mi­nar 26.05.2021. Information and video on Slides (1 Mb)
Talk video (55 Mb)
F.S. Zaitsev, V.L. Bychkov. Gravity as the impact of the generalized Zhukovsky force. Etheric model of the Earth structure. Presentation at the scientific seminar in RUDN University 28.05.2020. Announcement on Seminar video on Slides (1.2 Mb)
Talk and discussions video
(174 Mb)
V.L. Bychkov, F.S. Zaitsev. Etheric model of ball lightning. Presentation at the scientific seminar in RUDN University 26.09.2019. Information on Seminar video on «Global wave». Slides (p. 24 corrected: [keV]→[eV])
Video on «Global wave» (940 Mb)
Other video (940 Mb)
V.L. Bychkov, F.S. Zaitsev. Gravity in the model of the ether as a con­ti­nu­ous medium. Presentation at the scientific seminar at the Museum of Earth Science of the Lomonosov Moscow State University 05.06.2019. Announcement on Slides (1.1 Mb)
Presentation video (182 Mb)
Discussions video (219 Mb)
V.L. Bychkov, F.S. Zaitsev. The ether properties in the continuum model. Review of the 2nd edition of the book. Presentation at the scientific seminar at the Faculty of Physics of the Lomonosov Moscow State University 17.04.2019. Announcement on Slides (1.6 Mb)
Presentation video (275 Mb)
Discussions video (214 Mb)
V.L. Bychkov, F.S. Zaitsev. Review of the 1st edition of the book. Electrodynamic and gravitational phenomena as a consequence of the momentum conservation law in a continuous medium. Presentation at the scientific seminar in RUDN University 21.02.2017. Slides (2 Mb)
Presentation video (137 Mb)
Discussions video (135 Mb)
V.L. Bychkov, F.S. Zaitsev. Review of the 1st edition of the book. Mathematical modeling of electromagnetic and gravitational phenomena by the methodology of continuous media mechanics. Presentation at the scientific seminar at the Faculty of Physics of the Lomonosov Moscow State Universit 30.11.2016. шаровая-молния.орг
Slides (2 Mb)
Presentation video (208 Mb)
Discussions video (90 Mb)
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